the savage cedar salvage,….

table bench

Once upon a time a savage snow hound mountain man spent some time in the low lands where he began to construct a fine table from a very perplexing slab of cedar. Amidst an application of a polyurethane finish he heard the plink of a South Pacific rain drop on the metal roof of his shop fallowed by the wolf like howl of a northerly flow down the Fraser river valley and,….. long story short,…. The table was never finished!

The resulting piece sat atop what looked like a really nice piece of kindling at one end and a very skewed waterfall leg on the other. After disassembling the table and flattening the slab I was able to recut and retain good grain alignment on the waterfall leg while simultaneously determining what to do with the firewood at the other end.. Considering that I do not use wood to heat my shop, I decided that the kindling was a perfect representation of the nature beauty all wood possess. after much pondering I pulled out the TIG torch and welded a polished steel leg that would in turn become the framework to immortalize the uniquely split and torn, freshly waxed piece of western cedar.

I believe the savage snow hound would approve of the outcome.

Special thanks to; Leb Orloff



